I was able to improve a few of these. A regex made spinal case easier; in ‘drop it,’ you can do something similar with a ‘while(pop());’ destructor in c++; in ‘smallest common multiple,’ I switched the GCD function to a Euclidean algorithm from a brute-force one. I think the last one was the most improved;…
FCC ‘Basic Algorithm Scripting’
I thought my solutions for these had been deleted, so I went back to solve them again. About two-thirds of the way through I found out that FCC’s editor stores your code temporarily using your browser. Your accepted solutions, though, can always be found on your home page. Here they are on github. For ‘Falsy…
Ready to go
I’ve never written a blog post before – so this is the first one. I switched off most of the WordPress options because they’re not necessary and I want to keep it simple. I’ll be posting updates on my progress through freecodecamp.com’s exercises and projects. I’m halfway through already. My plan is to put everything…
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!